Sunday, June 17, 2012

2 hour downpour Hanoi Pictures

A two-hour downpour has turned many streets in Hanoi into small rivers on the afternoon of June 14.

The downpour in Hanoi from 5pm to nearly 8pm yesterday was the biggest one so far this year. According to the Hanoi Water Drainage Company, the total rainfall measured at several sites in the city at 7pm was from 91mm to 106mm.

Huynh Thuc Khang Street at 7pm.
Dien Bien Phu-Nguyen Tri Phuong roads.
This man had to walk with his motorbike for over one kilometer in rain.
Rain-water spilled over the pavement of Huynh Thuc Khang road.
Giao thông trên nhiều tuyến phố trở nên hỗn loạn.
Traffic chaos caused by flood.

Trees fell after the downpour:


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