Friday, November 5, 2010

Man attempts suicide by swallowing knife | Man attempts suicide by swallowing knife

Man attempts suicide by swallowing knife

VietNamNet Bridge – A 37-year-old man in the central province of Thanh Hoa attempted to commit suicide by swallowing a 15cm knife. The knife made a hole in the man’s oesophagus but it luckily didn’t thrust down the heart and major blood vessels so he was saved.

After swallowing the knife, the man was brought to a local hospital and then to the Vietnam-Germany hospital in Hanoi on November 1.
The scan showed a knife in the patient’s chest. Doctors conducted an operation in the morning of November 2 to take the knife out.
The knife and 500ml of blood which stagnated in the patient’s chest was taken out after a 4-hour surgery. The patient has recovered his senses but he still needs support from respiratory machine.
The Vietnam-Germany Hospital’s deputy director Nguyen Tien Quyet said that the knife thrust down the gullet. Luckily, the knife only cut down some sub-blood vessels, otherwise the man would have died before he was brought to the hospital.
Doctors said that they had treated patients who swallowed razor blades and this is the first time they saw one who swallowed such a long knife.

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