Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vietnamese photographers take first prizes at Cyprus

Vietnamese photos win at FIAP
Commemorating the ancestors of photography

Werewolf by Xuan Thang.
Viet Van carried of the first prize for environment photos with “Sand Story 4” while Nguyen Xuan Thang won first prize for liberal photos with “Werewolf”.
The competition drew 7407 photos from 114 countries.
Viet Van’s photo previously won second prize at the Ciwem environment photo competition in the UK.
“Sand Story 4” by Viet Van.
Freelance photographer Xuan Thang captured a dancer in “Wild Dance” by choreographer Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh, deputy director of the Hanoi’s Drama-Movie University’s Experimental Theatre in 2008 to make “Werewolf”.
The jury awards were presented to photographers from Slovenia, USA, India and Myanmar.
Photos by some other Vietnamese competitors have been selected for display in an exhibition at Nicosia Cultural Center in Cyprus, which opened on May 18.

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